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To sorgusu için yayınlar alaka düzeyine göre sıralanmış olarak gösteriliyor. Tarihe göre sırala Tüm yayınları göster
To sorgusu için yayınlar alaka düzeyine göre sıralanmış olarak gösteriliyor. Tarihe göre sırala Tüm yayınları göster

The Destrucion of the Happy Family Portrait in Hollywood: Kramer vs Kramer

Imagine a family with two or three children; who lives in a big house at the outskirts of the city which has two flats and a big garden. Oh! Of course! I almost forget to add the dog and the car into this marvelous image! The father works, the  mother -probably a blonde one-stays at home and prepare her children for school and takes care if there's any toddler one.  And here it is, we already reached our ideal family which constructed by Hollywood and empossed to us like the 'ideal life' for all this years. But It would be so easy to blame Hollywood on everything and close the case. But the reality hides in somewhere else. I don't say it just to saying something so your interest will be sharpened for the next paragraphs; all we need is to looking at the historical background and find what brought us to this image so far.  The think which I need to digg up is, how we reached at this point? What is the historical background which hides behind this image? We can easil...



I just decided that that I am an addict to Swedish movies, in a bad way... Because everytime that I see a Swedish movie, a sentiment like falling down from a mountain occures into me. Like there is a big hole inside of me and it gets bigger while I continue to watch to movie. But I do it again. I know that I am going to feel the same falling down effect before watching a Swedish movie but I watch it anyway. Ondskan (En: Evil, Tr: Şeytan) is a good example of thst kind of movies.  Scandinavian movies do not tell a different story, but they tell it in a different way. Cooler, not charming people to do empathy with caracters but discuss them within the pure reality so that the audiences will not be able to repeat that kind of issues in their real lifes. It reminds me a little bit Pavlov's experiment. I am not so sure that Scandinavians - especially Swedish ones - do that in purpose. The director of Ondskan is Mikael Håfström . I can clearly say that the fiction of t...

Yes, we ban and the way of exit.

Yes, we ban and the way of exit.

Today I am going to write about out of my usual topics. I would like to do some criticism on movies or music bands but the decraising tention in Turkey has started to turn out as "dictatiora" as we can call. Worries about Turkey was never ended in past and it is never going to end. But the fact is, every country has issues and this issues qill bring out dynamisms and progression to the future.I dare that this any kind of movements- democratic or non-democratic- that changes the real framework in a country, region or ethnicity will have different consequences that we might not forehead and this consequences are necessary even if we don't appreciate the results. Yes, I am trying to say that any kind of changing is good. It will link us to an other situation that will make a chain reaction. But of course, if I take my Turkish glasses on, it is terrifying what is happening in here right now. I took lots of courses on European Union in the terms of inre...

The things have changed so far. So, it's the right time to catch them up!

The things have changed so far. So, it's the right time to catch them up!

(This image has nothing to do with this post. I simply like van Gogh) I took some time off on writing in my blog. I know, it was not necessary to leave it like that. I do blame myself to let it down and just being too lazy to catch it up. But yeah, it has been a while that I wasn't in the town but I turned back! But I should admit that, during this period, I've seen lots of magnificent movies to write about. While I'm saying magnificent, I don't want to be understanded as I put my pretty pink glasses on just before watching every movie then I  loved every single scene of them, I wasn't like that, not at all. I narsistically enjoyed some of the movies that I watched because they were so open to the discussions with their palpable lines and symbols in their scenarios. I just loved them with all of their twisted values- or oppositely, their way of thinking that what is twisted, the underlined images which hide behind of fancy scenes, orientalistic point of vi...

Belgians First: Loft

Belgians First: Loft

I can not consider myself as an expert on Belgian movies but I can clearly say that Loft was the best Belgian movie that I have ever seen so far. How did I get this opinion is the  powerful stories of  each character, well organised scenaro and a director who loves to show the details. The duration of the film is about 2 hours but there's nothing to be worry about on getting bored or so because during that time your blood will flow extremly fast through your veins and especially in some scenes you will not be able to think about even the concept of the time, no I am not exaggerating.  The story runs around five different close men and starts from a loft that they rented to meet with their fancy women- mistresses- in their leisure times. They go their works, then after their homes and sometimes,whenever they want to have some fun, they to go this "loft". Everyting goes perfect until the day that a body of a dead woman gets find in the loft by them. A lof...

Irısh Legends : Garbage

Irısh Legends : Garbage

Let's imagine about something dark. Whatever. If that dark imagination is a rainy day and If you stand in a huge and wet tree's shadow, your way is totally right for Garbage . I'm Only Happy When It rains is maybe one of the most pessimist song in the world. Lyrics has written by  Shirley Manson. ( the woman that I adore ) I'm only happy when It rains I'm only happy when It's complicated I'm only happy when it rains I feel good when things are going wrong I only listen to the sad sad songs I'm only happy when it rains I only smile in the dark My only comfort is the night gone black I didn't accidentally tell you that I'm only happy when it rains You'll get the message by the time I'm through When I complain about me and you I'm only happy when it rains If you are unhappy, Garbage is  never ever ever ever gonna make you happy. If you are looking something different, you are free to go! Lyri...

Tokyo Ghoul Theory: Is Arima Kaneki Ken's Biological Father?

Tokyo Ghoul Theory: Is Arima Kaneki Ken's Biological Father?

This is what Arima did to Kaneki. This idea is lingering in my mind for so long. It actually might be an accurate theory but there's onlye one thing; Arima is too young to be Ken Kaneki's (Haise Sasaki) father. I made some research on the internet and found out that there are just a few person who wonders who Ken Kaneki's father is. I will say something that I am sure of; we will learn more about his father. Why? Because it is a fiction and Kaneki's father is defining who Kaneki is now. The plot requires to find out Kaneki's father and we will learn eventually who he really is. So, what do we know about Kaneki's father so far? He died when Kaneki was so little that he doesn't even remember how his father looked like. But we know that he liked reading a lot. Kaneki read all of his father's book and created an inverted personality on his own world. These are the characteristic features of Kaneki. From manga, we just know that his fa...

Sherlock: When an Old Phenomenon Creates a Brand New Phenomenon

Sherlock: When an Old Phenomenon Creates a Brand New Phenomenon

Sherlock Holmes. a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. This extremely clever, arrogant and isolated character still keeps his popularity and already became one of the symbols of England. A characteristic hat, pipe, coat and a brilliant mind. These are the first things that our minds evoke us when we hear the name of Sherlock. A lot of well-known actor played Sherlock, a lot of unpopular actor played as Sherlock Holmes and became popular. Even a man who is considered to be one of the best actors of our times, Robert Downey Junior has played him and became more and more popular. But the thing is; any of this actors could let the legend of Sherlock Holmes under his shadow and became a phenomenon; until now... Sherlock is a British Tv serie of BBC 1, started in 2010 and still goes on with it's addicts-fans which increase day by day.  Benedict Cumberbatch portrays Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson is portraying Martin Freeman and tis...



I was pondering about the movies that I have seen so far but somehow I never remembered "Stoker" until this evening. Suddenly something that I don't know made me remember Mia Washkiowska then some of the nerves in my brain made a undirect connection to Stoker, a movie that you probably may call "cold". Cold may be the world which describes the ambiance of the movie but for the ones who are familiar with  Chan-wook Park 's style, there's a lot more. Yeah, I said Chan-Wook Park. We can consider Stoker as his first Hollywood movie but most of us know him from "Ouldeuboi".  As a South-Korean, Park seems rapidly atrached with Hollywood and emerged his own style with it. His artistic scenes embraces with shocking details and symbols. His artistic scenes get alive with high-level performances of Mia Washikowska, Nicole Kidman and Matthew Goode. The fiction is simple. A tennage girl called   India (Mia Washikowska) lives with h...
