I can not consider myself as an expert on Belgian movies but I can clearly say that Loft was the best Belgian movie that I have ever seen so far. How did I get this opinion is the powerful stories of each character, well organised scenaro and a director who loves to show the details. The duration of the film is about 2 hours but there's nothing to be worry about on getting bored or so because during that time your blood will flow extremly fast through your veins and especially in some scenes you will not be able to think about even the concept of the time, no I am not exaggerating. The story runs around five different close men and starts from a loft that they rented to meet with their fancy women- mistresses- in their leisure times. They go their works, then after their homes and sometimes,whenever they want to have some fun, they to go this "loft". Everyting goes perfect until the day that a body of a dead woman gets find in the loft by them. A lof...
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Loft etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster