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Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère... (Michel Foucault)

Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma sœur et mon frère... (Michel Foucault)

Basligin içerdigi anlam nedeniyle sonuna Michel Foucault'yu ekleme gerekliligi duydum. Tercumesini de ekleyeyim olaya baslikla baslamisken:  "Annemi, kiz kardesimi, erkek kardesimi katleden ben, Pierre Rivière."  (1976 yilinda ayni isimde bir filmi de çekilmis) Gercekten yasamis bir insan Pierre Rivière. 1815 yilinda Courvaudon -Asagi Normandiya-, Fransa'da dunyaya geliyor. Bu tarihten yirmi yil sonra ise, ilk cumlesi Michel Faoucault'nun kitabina adini veren o hatirati kaleme aliyor. Evet, "Annemi, kiz kardesimi, erkek kardesimi katleden ben, Pierre Rivière." sozcugu aslinda Pierre Rivière"in 1835 yilinda bir hapishanede, hakimin istegi uzerine kaleme aldigi hatiratinin girizgahi. Ne yapti bu adam? Bu konuda kendisi bize yeterince bilgi veriyor yalnizca bir cumleyle. Foucault ve arkadaslarinin kaleme aldigi kitap ise "Neden yapti bu adam?" sorularini soruyor.  Kitabin yarisindan çogu tamamen arsivlerden alinmis bilgilerden ol...



Hiçbir beklentim olmadan izlemeye basladim Carnage'i. Zaten kunyesine baktiktan sonra "Amaan izlemeyeyim ben bunu." diyebilecek çok az insan taniyorum su yeryuzunde. (abarttim,evet.) Kimler mi var filmde? Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Cristoph Waltz ve John Relly. Yonetmeni ise Roman Polanski. Her ne kadar Polanski'nin -ozel hayati nedeniyle olusan- kotu sohreti sizi irite edebilecek olsa da, onyargilarinizi bir kenara birakip kendinizi bu 80 dakikalik mini tiyatral filme adamanizi tavsiye ederim. Oncelikle belirteyim, film aslinda Yasmena Reza'nin yazmis oldugu bir tiyatro oyunundan uyarlama. Filmi izlerken zaten, eger uyarlama olmdugunu bilmiyorsaniz bile, birçok yonden tiyatroyla benzestigini fark edeceksiniz zira ben su anda bile kendisine film demeye çekiniyorum -ki eger Polanski'nin yalnizca kamera ile yakalayabilecegi açilar ile zenginlestirilmis olmasaydi buyuk ihtimalle bir "kamera tiyatrosu" derdim kendisi için. Olay tek bi...



I just decided that that I am an addict to Swedish movies, in a bad way... Because everytime that I see a Swedish movie, a sentiment like falling down from a mountain occures into me. Like there is a big hole inside of me and it gets bigger while I continue to watch to movie. But I do it again. I know that I am going to feel the same falling down effect before watching a Swedish movie but I watch it anyway. Ondskan (En: Evil, Tr: Şeytan) is a good example of thst kind of movies.  Scandinavian movies do not tell a different story, but they tell it in a different way. Cooler, not charming people to do empathy with caracters but discuss them within the pure reality so that the audiences will not be able to repeat that kind of issues in their real lifes. It reminds me a little bit Pavlov's experiment. I am not so sure that Scandinavians - especially Swedish ones - do that in purpose. The director of Ondskan is Mikael Håfström . I can clearly say that the fiction of t...

Vahsi Nasil Vahsi Oldu?

Teknoloji, akil, bilim cagi... Uzaya cikiyoruz, en olmadi tabletlerimizden kizgin kuslar firlativeriyoruz. Fazlasiyla moderniz. Z cagi denilen cocuklarimiz teknolojik bilgiler hakkinda bize kibirli laflar ettikçe gururlaniyoruz. Sonucta super zekali. Olacak o kadar! Universite sinavlarina hazirlanayim derken binlerce gereksiz Turkce parafraf okuyan nesiller bilir, bu paragraflarin yuzde ellisi artik kimsenin kitap okumadigi, dijital bir cagda oldugumuz, insanin yalnizlastigi ile ilgili olur. Bazen o paragraflari okuyayim derken uzay zaman dongusunu bozarsiniz, "Bu lafi bir yerlerden hatirliyorum." dersiniz okudugunuz ayni konudaki 1213523. parafrag icin. Okudugunuza yaptiginiz ise alyenlesirsiniz. Marx Turk ve OSS'ye hazirlanan bir cocuga sahip olsaydi, alyenlesmenin modern halini en iyi yansitan durumun keisnlikle bu sinav sistemi oldugunu soylerdi. Saka yapmiyorum.  Bizim bu alyenlesen bireylerimiz dijital dunyanin insani "teklilige" iteledigi konusunda ...

Yes, we ban and the way of exit.

Yes, we ban and the way of exit.

Today I am going to write about out of my usual topics. I would like to do some criticism on movies or music bands but the decraising tention in Turkey has started to turn out as "dictatiora" as we can call. Worries about Turkey was never ended in past and it is never going to end. But the fact is, every country has issues and this issues qill bring out dynamisms and progression to the future.I dare that this any kind of movements- democratic or non-democratic- that changes the real framework in a country, region or ethnicity will have different consequences that we might not forehead and this consequences are necessary even if we don't appreciate the results. Yes, I am trying to say that any kind of changing is good. It will link us to an other situation that will make a chain reaction. But of course, if I take my Turkish glasses on, it is terrifying what is happening in here right now. I took lots of courses on European Union in the terms of inre...



I was pondering about the movies that I have seen so far but somehow I never remembered "Stoker" until this evening. Suddenly something that I don't know made me remember Mia Washkiowska then some of the nerves in my brain made a undirect connection to Stoker, a movie that you probably may call "cold". Cold may be the world which describes the ambiance of the movie but for the ones who are familiar with  Chan-wook Park 's style, there's a lot more. Yeah, I said Chan-Wook Park. We can consider Stoker as his first Hollywood movie but most of us know him from "Ouldeuboi".  As a South-Korean, Park seems rapidly atrached with Hollywood and emerged his own style with it. His artistic scenes embraces with shocking details and symbols. His artistic scenes get alive with high-level performances of Mia Washikowska, Nicole Kidman and Matthew Goode. The fiction is simple. A tennage girl called   India (Mia Washikowska) lives with h...
