I was pondering about the movies that I have seen so far but somehow I never remembered "Stoker" until this evening. Suddenly something that I don't know made me remember Mia Washkiowska then some of the nerves in my brain made a undirect connection to Stoker, a movie that you probably may call "cold". Cold may be the world which describes the ambiance of the movie but for the ones who are familiar with Chan-wook Park 's style, there's a lot more. Yeah, I said Chan-Wook Park. We can consider Stoker as his first Hollywood movie but most of us know him from "Ouldeuboi". As a South-Korean, Park seems rapidly atrached with Hollywood and emerged his own style with it. His artistic scenes embraces with shocking details and symbols. His artistic scenes get alive with high-level performances of Mia Washikowska, Nicole Kidman and Matthew Goode. The fiction is simple. A tennage girl called India (Mia Washikowska) lives with h...
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Stoker etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster